This cool science experiment will show your kids that, through osmosis and chemical reactions, you can strip an egg of its hard outer shell using vinegar! With a few things from your kitchen and a bit of patience you can create a translucent, rubbery egg!
The Steps: 1. Carefully place an egg into a cup. kix-science-naked-egg-22. Pour vinegar over the egg. kix-science-naked-egg-13. Let sit for 12–24 hours. kix-science-naked-egg-44. Carefully remove the egg from the vinegar. kix-science-naked-egg-55. Rub off what’s left of the shell (you can run the egg under water as well). kix-science-naked-egg-66. Check out the translucent, rubbery egg! kix-science-naked-eggs-3wkix-science-naked-eggs-2w